Tuesday, September 17, 2013

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy! me buckos!

Did you know that September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day?

I have gathered some activities for the whole family!

For Ye Baby Sprogs
Pirate Booty Fluff (Cloth diapers and more)

I mustache you a question: do you have a little felt at your house? Add it to baby's soother!
For t' sprogs {and the sprogs at heart}
English to Pirate Online Translator
How to change your facebook language setting to PIRATE!
For Ye Whole Crew
 What to know about pirates?
 Talk Like a Pirate Day fun!
Pirate movie and snack

Breakfast: Bacon and eggs in the shape of a skull and crossbones
Lunch: Draw a pirate face on the skin of your banana
Dinner: Fish and Chips or Calamari and Golden {chicken} nuggets.
                    Don't forget the {ginger}ale!