Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Screen Free Week: How to prepare your family and yourself

Well, you have decided to turn off the TV for a week... Now what?!
I think you should first talk to your spouse/partner. This may take a bit of convincing, depending on your partner's views on screen time. Then talk to the kids. Depending on how old your children are, this could be easy to explain or more difficult. Next, talk to any caregivers that your children will be with for the week. This should be the easiest - no convincing necessary!

Talking to your spouse/partner
  • Explain why you believe this will help your children and your family.
  • Suggest they watch this video.
  • Remind them that although this may be difficult at first, around day 3-4 it will become easier.
  • Suggest that this can just be a jumping off point. It doesn't mean that you want to sell your DVD collection and cancel the cable, you just want to learn how to offer your family the best opportunities.
  • Talk about if you would like to reward your family for making through the whole week.

Talking to your children
The idea of this week is to go "cold turkey". You could certainly choose to wean the amount of screen time every day but I really feel that if you are prepared, it will go more smoothly than you think.
  • For younger children, explain that the T.V./computer/Ipad is going to be unavailable for a short while. Maybe suggest that the T.V. needs to have a rest. Talk about all the fun outings and activities that you have planned for this week.
  • For older children, explain why you want to start limiting the amount of screen time they have. Talk about how the computer can be used for homework, but not entertainment purposes. Ask them to describe some of their favourite activities that do not involve a screen. Remind then that they will have so much more time to to do those activities.
  • Explain what the new daily routine is going to look like. With younger children, you could draw a little timeline with some stick figures and words.
  • If you have chosen to reward your family, ask what your children would be interested in doing? I will have a list of activities posted tomorrow - you could use that as some suggestions.

How to prepare for the week
  • Assess what times you turn on the TV the most and keep track of when your children ask for screen time. Choose activities to cover that time of day.
  • Choose a fun activity or outing for each day
  • If you have chosen to reward for your family for sticking it out, plan how and when it will take place. I would suggest choosing something that isn't media related - maybe a trip to the zoo.
  • As I mentioned, I will be posting a list of activities. Since we are talking about being prepared today, I thought I would post a little checklist of supplies that will go along with that activity list.

    You can do it!

    Don`t forget, Screen Free Week takes place April 30 - May 6, 2012.

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